Keowee Bowmen 2020 SC State Indoor 600 Championship Mar 6-8, 2020 24 ends of 5 arrows each at 5 spot Indoor targets 30 Shooters Keowee Bowmen Contact Emmett Tyree… Sec. (864)643-7490 Trophies/ Awards (pickup your award at Keowee on the next shoot) 1-4 Archers = 1st Place only 5-8 Archers = 1st & 2nd Places only 9 or more Archers= 1st, 2nd, 3rd Places No scores contested after midnight 3/13/2020 Cub Female Bowhunter Freestyle 1. Kennedy Colie 547 31 Youth Female Freestyle 1. Metteja Metcalf 564 35 Young Adult Male Bowhunter Freestyle 1. Garrett Knight 565 36 Adult Female Freestyle 1. Angela Knight 586 62 2. Geralyn Hartman 566 39 3. Sandy Spears affs 558 43 Adult Male Freestyle 1. Sam Knight 587 76 2. Shawn Martin 580 52 Adult Female Bowhunter Freestyle 1. Mellisa Lunn 568 47 2. Tracy Sancic 564 37 Adult Male Bowhunter Freestyle 1. Dayton Colie 590 69 2. Preston Lunn 590 63 3. Andrew Matthews 537 25 Senior Female Freestyle 1. Kim Browder 593 68 2. Beth Anctil 591 63 Senior Male Freestyle 1. Jamie Wilbanks 600 99 2. Lloyd Wilson 599 81 Silver Senior Male Freestyle 1. Eric Turner 588 61 2. Emmett Tyree 585 53 3. Roy McGinnis 549 42 Silver Senior Male Traditional 1. Lane Johnston 441 12 2. Jerry Slice 337 4 Master Senior Female Freestyle 1. Patricia McGinnis 569 43 Master Senior Male Freestyle 1. William Hartman 550 28 Cub Female Freestyle NASP Elementary (SC only class, not recognized by NFAA) 1. Bailey Chesney 439 11 Young Adult Female NASP High School (SC only class, not recognized by NFAA) 1. Hannah Hall 375 7 2. Ruthie Masengale 290 2 Guest Class 1. Jamie Nelson g amfs 597 50 2. Amber Nelson g affs 566 40 3. Keiley Laughter 578 55